Hundreds on St. Croix turned out for UVI’s annual observation of World Food Day on Sunday, Oct. 17, on the St. Croix campus. World Food Day brings attention to the plight of the hungry and undernourished in the territory and the world. It also provides an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the complex solutions required to reduce hunger.
This year’s event featured workshops focused on tomato, citrus and poultry. Junior and senior high school students participated in the “Youth Super Chef” competition. The “Citrus Splash” competition featured breads, desserts, preserves and drinks made from citrus fruits. Two tons of non-perishable food was collected in the “Kids CAN Make a Difference” food drive. The food will be distributed to food banks.
World Food Day activities are sponsored by the UVI Cooperative Extension Service in partnership with the V.I. Department of Agriculture and the UVI Agricultural Experiment Station.