UVI’s basketball home games on Saturday, Feb. 26, are designated as Homecoming for 2011. Both the Lady Bucs and the Buccaneers men’s team will face off against squads from Sacred Heart University of Puerto Rico. Game times are 6 p.m. for the Lady Bucs and 8 p.m. for the Buccaneers.
The Eudora Kean Marching Band will lead a tramp from the UVI Bookstore parking lot beginning at 5 p.m., and ending at the Sports & Fitness Center. The UVI Dance Team will perform during halftime, while the new look UVI Cheerleaders will be courtside.
Admission is free. The UVI Athletic Department will distribute free tickets beginning Monday, Feb. 21. The concession will be open with their famous huge hot dogs and tasty smoothies. Buccaneer t-shirts will be given away to the first 100 fans in the door. Giveaways and chances to win tickets to Reichhold Center shows will be part of the evening’s entertainment.
Everyone is encouraged to support UVI’s teams by wearing blue.