The tranquility of the St. Croix campus was shattered on the morning of Friday, Jan. 16, when word of an emergency drill reached students, faculty and staff. The scenario, involving an “explosion and fire on campus with injuries,” was designed to test the effectiveness of the St. Croix campus emergency response procedures. By the time St. Croix Rescue, EMS, the V.I. Fire Service and other first responders arrived on the scene, “injured” student actors were stumbling from the Student Center, gasping for air. Acting Campus Executive Administrator Nereida Washington took charge inside the designated Incident Command Center, assisted by Security Chief Ralph Cook and a host of administrators who were designated to evacuate residence halls and classroom buildings. Once the drill was completed, HOVENSA Fire Chief Bob Miller said the drill had served its purpose. “It is a constant learning environment and we’re in the best place to learn at – a college.”